The DisplayList Demo requires 4th DIMENSION or 4th DIMENSION Runtime version 2.1.1 or higher. It is a compiled database.
Open the Demo by double-clicking the DisplayList™ file. The first time you open the database some of the demo records are initialized (salaries, cities, states, and a few other fields are randomly assigned to the People records). Once you have the database open, select the "Demo DisplayList" menu item in the "File" menu. You can also experiment with the formatting capabilities of DisplayList. There are Help buttons and information menu items which provide information about DisplayList. You can print the contents of these items by selecting "Print Help Information…" menu item in the "Other" menu.
The Demo contains a special version of DisplayList which will only work in the Demo database. If you install the DisplayList external package into a different database, it will not work.
The DisplayList™ Demo may be freely distributed, as long as the three files (READ ME FIRST!!, DisplayList™ Demo, and DisplayList™ remain together.
Foresight Technology, Inc.
3880 Hulen St., Suite 325
Ft. Worth, TX 76107
FAX 817-731-9304
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America Online: FORESIGHT
DisplayList and ArraySort are trademarks of Foresight Technology, Inc.
4th DIMENSION, 4D Runtime, and 4D Compiler are registered trademarks of ACI, ACIUS, Inc.